Foods For Better Health

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The Best Foods to Eat to Spring into Better Health

Modern conveniences such as long distance food transportation has made it possible to eat what we want, when we want; however, is this what you should be doing? Not at all. Years ago, our ancestors ate what was available to them based on Mother Nature’s schedule. There’s a reason hearty root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and winter squash grow in the fall. Our ancestors needed the higher calories provided by these roots to nourish, prepare and sustain during the winter months.

And even though we aren’t necessarily at risk of “starving” during the winter, our bodies still require different nutrients at different times of the year to optimize health. When we eat seasonally, we are offering our bodies the very best in nutritional value. Nutrients are at an optimum level in plants grown in season. When we eat locally grown, freshly harvested foods, we are consuming these plants at their peak and therefore, giving our bodies the very best in nutrition.

Spring is all about cleansing and rejuvenating, replenishing after the winter months and getting our bodies ready to face the heat and physical demands of summer.
So, which foods should you choose for spring?

Green, green and more green…

Green foods such as spring greens, kale, spinach, asparagus and artichoke are excellent sources of phytonutrients that cleanse your body in a number of ways. For one, they are natural detoxifiers of blood and lymph. In addition, they are also blood builders. Chlorophyll molecules are very similar to heme molecules. In fact, the only difference is the center element in each. Heme (an important component of blood) contains iron whereas chlorophyll contains manganese. Manganese is also important for blood health.

Greens also help cleanse and detoxify the digestive system as well as the liver. All of those holiday dinners, deserts and drinks have taken a toll on your body. Greens in the spring help you leap into better health by pulling all of those toxins out of your body.


Chickens naturally begin producing more eggs in the spring. Eggs are an excellent and lean source of protein. This lighter source of protein is sure to help you slim down. If you have high cholesterol, you might consider egg whites, but stick with “real” eggs rather than pre-made egg beaters or other egg white products. Stick with natural foods as often as possible. And don’t forget! Happy chickens lay happy eggs! Make sure the eggs you use come from free-range, naturally fed chickens.


Spring in the United States means being at the tail-end of the citrus season and a bit away from cherry and berry harvesting. Apricots, however, are at their best in the spring. Loaded in Vitamin C and A as well as being a great source of potassium, Apricots can help optimize the immune system, eye health and as a strong source of anti-oxidants, they also help spring clean your body!

Stay tuned for summer eating tips in future blogs from your local Oak Lawn, IL chiropractor. For more information on wellness and customized nutrition plans, please contact us today!

By Nathan Ruof D.C.


1:00pm - 6:00pm

1:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

1:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Ruof Chiropractic of Oak Lawn
10250 Central Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(708) 423-1440